Besides the pandemic, the Class of 2021 has also lived through a number of recent historical events the past year, including a presidential election and movements fighting for change. How have all these events shaped you, and what gives you hope for the future?
The events of this year have, more than anything, changed my perspective on how I view the world and others. It has been too easy to give in to hate when we don’t understand and to become angry when others’ perspectives don’t match ours. This year cemented the idea in me that everyone has had incredibly varying experiences that have shaped their outlooks, and what my priorities and values are may not be the right fit for everyone. Because of this, I have stopped holding everyone accountable to my personal measuring stick and begun to listen, learn, and understand others before making any judgment on their character.
School districts began the school year in remote-only learning, then transitioned to hybrid instruction and for some students, even had full-time instruction again. What shook you and what gave you strength to push through during this challenging final year of K-12 schooling?
The initial transition from full-time to at-home learning was very difficult for me. I had a lot of fear relating to the future, how everything would work with new protocols, and if we would even be able to have any form of classes the next year. What helped me push through was knowing that however scared and troubled I was, someone in my school was more scared, more alone, and had more challenges to face than I could imagine. This allowed me to put my worries aside and focus on helping those that may not have the privileges and opportunities that I do.