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Clark County Fair results, Aug. 14

By Hope Martinez, Columbian news assistant
Published: August 18, 2022, 5:01pm

The Columbian will publish Clark County Fair results online as they are received. For more results and coverage of the Clark County Fair, visit


AG/ED Award Agriculture & Education Winner 4H/Grange Sheep Barn
Educational Display Winner Don Kemper Blacksmith

4H Dogs

Jr. Rally Novice B Champion Kenzy Buls, Brush Prairie
Res. Champion Viana Burgess , La Center
Jr. Rally Novice A Champion Rebecca Miller, Brush Prairie
Res. Champion Olivia Merrill, Portland
Sr. Rally Excellent Champion Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Sr. Rally Advanced Champion McKenna Hobson, Vancouver
Champion Madeline McCauley, Woodland
Sr. Rally Novice B Champion Trenton Stevens, Ridgefield
Res. Champion Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Sr. Rally Novice A Champion Alissa Avery, Ridgefield
Res. Champion Sierra Gramm, La Center
Int. Rally Champion CJ Lindell, Battle Ground
Int. Rally Novice A Champion Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Res. Champion Emma Miller, Brush Prairie
Int. Showmanship Champion AddisonThompson, Ridgefield
Res. Champion Bella Swingley, La Center
Special Award Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Special Award Ella Mondy, Vancouver
Special Award Andrea Uribe, Vancouver

4H Table Settings

Senior Judge’s Award/Blue Caroline Loose, Vancouver
Judge’s Award/Blue Mikayla Loose, Ridgefield
Junior Judge’s Award/Blue Hayley Maplethorpe, Ridgefield
Intermediate Judge’s Award/Blue Brianna Spencer, Battle Ground

4H Robotics

Original Programming Int. Res Champion Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Robot Kit Build Jr. Res. Champion Everett Brice, Ridgefield
Original Robot Jr. Special Everett Brice, Ridgefield
Robot Kit build Int. Special Dylan Tobias, Battle Ground
Int. Res. Champion Collin Tobias, Battle Ground
Program Poster Superintendent Award Acacia Hwang, Vancouver
Robot Kit Build Jr. Champion Bethan Anderberg, Vancouver
Robot Poster Judges Award Bethan Anderberg, Vancouver
Robot Kit Build Int. Champion Carl Lindell, Cheyenne
Original Robot Build Int. Special Carl Lindell, Cheyenne
Original Programming Int. Champion Carl Lindell, Cheyenne

4H Cavy

Fitting & Showing Sr. Champion Rielei Polka, Camas
Sr. Res. Champion Teagan Griffin, Vancouver
Int. Champion Alyssa Franklin, Vancouver
Int. Res. Champion Rykker Polka, Camas
Jr. Champion Michaela Fandrei, Battle Ground
Jr. Res. Champion Tristan Schoening, Brush Prairie
Jr. Honorable Mention Hastin Polka, Camas
Best in Show Rielei Polka, Camas
Res. In Show Keiran McDonald, Vancouver

OC Clothing

Sr. Machine Sewing Judge’s Choice / 1st Half People’s Choice Dewena Carlson, Ridgefield
Adult Woven/Felted Judge’s Choice Ann Taylor, Woodland
Youth Machine Sewing Judge’s Choice Emma Will, Vancouver
Jr. Hand Sewing Judge’s Choice Emaline Taylor, Brush Prairie
Adult Machine Sewing Judge’s Choice Jeanne Al-Ghamdi, Vancouver
Sr. Knitting Judge’s Choice Debra Cardiff, Vancouver
Adult rochet Judge’s Choice Misty Stanty, Vancouver
Sr. Machine Sewing Superintendent’s Choice Candy Wallace, Vancouver
Adult Knitting Superintendent’s Choice Rachel Potts, Battle Ground
Youngest Exhibitor Honorable Mention Aniah Holcomb, Vancouver
Sr. Machine Sewing Grand Sweepstakes / 2nd Half People’s Choice Carol Lindauer, Vancouver

OC Boer Goats

Percentage Boers Jr. Champion Jordan Jelinck, Richland
Jr. Res. Champion Nicole & Jayden Hernandez, Yelm
Yearling Champion Morgan Burke, Chehalis
Yearling Res. Champion Jordan Jelinek, Richland
Sr. Champion Jorden Jelinek, Richland
Sr. Res. Champion Becky Andrews, Woodland
Overall Grand Champion Morgan Burke, Chehalis
Overall Res. Grand Champion Jordan Jelinek, Richland
Fullblood Boers Jr. Champion Nicole & Jayden Hernandez, Yelm
Jr. Res. Champion Joran Jelinek, Richland
Yearling Champion Morgan Burke, Chehalis
Yearling Res. Champion Becky Andrews, Woodland
Sr. Champion Doe Morgan Burke, Chehalis
Sr. Res. Champion Doe Alana Wood/Breana Oldham, Amboy
Overall Grand Champion Morgan Burke, Chehalis
Overall Res. Grand Champion Morgan Burke, Chehalis
Jr. Champion Buck Nicole/Jayden Hernandez, Yelm
Jr. Res. Champion Alana Wood/ Breana Oldham, Amboy

Cheesecake Contest

Adult First – $75 Lori Hull, Ridgefield
Second – $50 Teresa Van Athen, La Center
Third – $25 Dale Zabriskie, Ridgefield
Youth First – $75 Meredith Meats, La Center
Second – $50 Tanner Wuethrich, Vancouver
Third – $25 Jarius Merchant, Battle Ground

Grange Youth

302 B+ Division Taylor Allen, Yacolt
303 B+ Class Autumn Cody, La Center
300-1 B+ Division Conner Davis, La Center
300-4 B+ Division Conner Davis, La Center
201-2 B+ Division Nathan Gillock, La Center
201-4 B+ Division Lukas Gaylor, La Center
301-1 B+ Division Sophie Griffith, La Center
302-1 B+ Division Aiyana Hann, Vancouver
303-5 B+ Division Aiyana Hann, Vancouver
201-2 B+ Division Kaitlyn Hann, Vancouver
302-4 B+ Division Cinday Kanagas, Woodland
302-3 Best of Division Dianna Kennedy, Ridgefield
302-4 Best of Division Samantha Larsen, La Center
301-1 Best of Division Adrionna McClellan, La Center
302-7 Best of Division Jenna Meats, Vancouver
302-5 Best of Division Meredith Meats, Vancouver
303-9 Best of Class Meredith Meats, Vancouver
300-2 Best of Division Rolland West, La Center

4H Engineering & Tech

Woodworking Judge’s Choice, Superintendent’s Choice, Grand Champion, Blue Evan Fish, Camas
Computers 2 Blue Kallen Schonert, Camas
2 Blue Kaden Nichols, La Center
Blue / Special Award Luke Waldon, Ridgefield
Blue / Red Tyler Popham, Vancouver
Blue / Red Haley Popham, Vancouver
Blue Jaxan Evald, Napavine
5 Blues Seth Hartrim-Lowe, Vancouver
3 Blues Harrison hartrim-Lowe, Vancouver
2 Blues Kiely Fuller, Vancouver
2 Blues / Red Greyson Madler, Ridgefield
3 Blues Carys Dunning, Ridgefield
Red Ian Dunning, Ridgefield
2 Blues Gracie Burchett, Ridgefield

4H Baking

816 Sr. Champion Makayla Loose, Battle Ground
Sr. Res. Champion / 2 Judges Awards Heather Christenson, Ridgefield
Int. Champion Karoline Loose, Battle Ground
Int. Res. Champion Tristen Tavison, Brush Prairie
Superintendent Award Karoline loose, Battle Ground
Special Award Rielei Polka, Camas
Jr. Champion Logan DuBay, Woodland
Jr. Res. Champion Andrew Fish, Camas
Special Award Owen Dubay, Woodland
Special Award Elaina Tavison, Brush Prairie

4H Dogs – Agility

Beginner-Standard Sr. Champion Ruth Goins, Vancouver
PreNovice-Standard Sr. Champion Madison Davidson, Camas
Sr. Res. Champion Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Novice – Standard Sr. Champion Trenton Stevens, Ridgefield
Sr. Res. Champion Heather Christenson, Ridgefield
Open-Standard Sr. Champion Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
PreNovice – Standard Int. Champion Paige Kellis, Battle Ground
Novice-Standard Int. Champion Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Int. Res. Champion Tyler Stevens, Ridgefield
Jr. Champion Andrew Fish, Camas
Beginner-Jumpers Sr. Champion Ruth Goins, Vancouver
PreNovice-Jumpers Sr. Champion Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Sr. Res. Champion Madison Davidson, Camas
Novice Jumpers Sr. Champion Trenton Stevens, Ridgefield
Sr. Res. Champion Heather Christenson, Ridgefield
Open Jumpers Sr. Champion Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Elementary Jumpers Int. Champion Paige Kellis, Battle Ground
PreNovice Jumpers Int. Champion Paige Kellis, Battle Ground
Jr. Champion Andrew Fish, Camas
Novice Jumpers Int. Champion Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Int. Res. Champion Tyler Stevens, Ridgefield

4H Dairy Youth Show

Dairy Judging 4H Bossy Novas -Blue Peyton Rosin, Battle Ground
Sam Hartrim-Lowe, Battle Ground
Harrison Hartrim-Lowe, Battle Ground
Lindsey Adams, Battle Ground
Quinton Bonebrake, La Center
Sergio Aquilare, Battle Ground
Fargher Lake Grange – Blue Grace Shirley, La Center
Meredith Meats, La Center
Raegan Boyse, La Center
Sidney Boyse, La Center
Jenna Meats, La Center
Donna Kennedy, La Center
Fitting & Showing Sr. Grand Champion Samuel Hartrim-Lowe, Battle Ground
Sr. Res. Grand Champion Meredith Meats, La Center
4H Sr. Grand Champion Samuel Hartrim-Lowe, Battle Ground
4H Sr. Res. Grand Champion Peyton Rosin, Battle Ground
Grange Youth Sr. Grand Champion Meredith Meats, La Center
4H Int. Grand Champion Harrison Hartrim-Lowe, Battle Ground
4H Int. Res. Champion Lindsey Adams, Battle Ground
Grange Youth Jr. Grand Champion Jenna Meats, Battle Ground
Novice Showman Blue Ribbon Quinton Bonebrake, Battle Ground
Sergio Aquilare, La Center
Youth Holestein Grand Champion of Breed / Jr. Champion Peyton Rosin w/Ellie Mae, Battle Ground
Res. Grand Champion / Res. Jr. Champion Peyton Ronsin w/Kacie, Battle Ground
Youth Jersey Grand Champion / Sr. Champion Grace Shirley w/Ella, La Center
Res. Grand Champion / Jr. Champion Samuel Hartrim-Lowe w/Esse, Battle Ground
Sr. Res. Champion Meredith Meats w/Honeybear, Battle Ground
4H Brown Swiss Grand Champion / Jr. Champion Samuel Hartrim-Lowe w/Nissa, Battle Ground
Res. Grand Champion / Sr. Champion Samuel Hartrim-Lowe w/Nova, Battle Ground