My wife and I go for a walk daily on the Washougal Waterfront Trail. The day after the Fourth celebration, I noticed the lights were still on in the daytime around the park on the west end. About five days later, I asked a port employee who was mowing the lawn about it, and he said he would mention it. The next day, I stopped by the port office, and the office lady said she would mention it.
The next day, still on. Then I see a Washougal police officer in his cruiser coming toward us as we got out of our vehicle. Just for the fun of it, I stopped him to chat about it, knowing that it’s not his department. We had a nice chat, and we all went on our way. By the time we got to the east end of the walk where we usually turn around, here appears Officer Kyle Koonan. He tells us he saw the port director who told him there was a sensor out and they were hoping to get a replacement any day. How considerate of him.
We all want to bad mouth the police, but not me.
I’m a father of five and a grandfather of five; how many times do you think I’ve said, “Turn the lights off”?