During the pandemic, depression rates skyrocketed. Many people today suffer from occasional or ongoing depression symptoms. This Mental Health Awareness Month is a good time to care for your mental health. Many depression treatment options are available, yet the easiest and best may be your two feet.
Duke University concluded that exercise could be as beneficial to those with depression as a course of antidepressants. In their famous SMILE (Standard Medical Intervention and Long-term Exercise) study, it was found that “a brisk 30-minute walk or jog around the track three times a week may be just as effective in relieving the symptoms of major depression as the standard treatment of antidepressant medications.” The study concluded that exercise “is associated with significant therapeutic benefit, especially if continued over time.”
Consider making regular exercise, even simple walks, a new habit. Or maybe offer to go on walks with someone you love who is dealing with depression. It may just be the best medicine.