The Preamble to our Constitution clearly states purposes that opened a path to democracy, but our Preamble remains significantly unfulfilled (a constitutional failure). History reveals various governing bodies dragged their feet on developing representative democracy and recently state and federal reactionaries undermined progress and turned us in the wrong direction. Our democracy is threatened by ignorance, apathy, extremism, undemocratic restrictions and foreign influences.
Our Preamble, body of the Constitution, laws and legal practices exhibit substantial discordance. Patriotic constitutionalists in the electorate, the legislature, the judiciary, and the presidency must strive to bring the foundations of our nation into accord and make America a true representative democracy.
Since the ratification of our Constitution, the Supreme Court possessed the power to rule by fiat, but the court has usually acted glacially, methodically and incrementally to eventually clarify constitutional rights and to apply those rights to more citizens until recently when the reactionary five seized control. To overcome this reactionary challenge to democracy, our president and our legislature have the power to correct the deviation by installing additional jurists or the Legislature can impeach and convict aberrant and dishonest judges.
American democracy is neither quick nor easy.