Recently have I been made aware of the importance fish play in ocean ecosystems, and as a result, all ecosystems. Usually, my encounters with fish are eye to eye in the grocery store.
Fish contribute a massive amount of nutrients to their local ecosystems and allow oceans to perform their most basic functions, to name only a few services fish provide for our Earth. Industrial fish farms, however, severely alter ecosystems and wreak havoc on fish populations. Offshore aquaculture cages have fish packed in cages swimming in circles endlessly, all while they are fed antibiotics, which often seep into the surrounding ecosystem. Local fishermen and consumers of these antibiotic-ridden fish are harmed in addition to the fish themselves.
As a result, we are trying to rescind Executive Order 13921, which was passed by the Trump administration and fast tracks the regulation of fish farm facilities. Let’s promote local fishermen and build communities of people who interact with the ocean in thoughtful, balanced ways.