Congratulations to City Manager Eric Holmes for proposing a civil emergency regarding homelessness. I concur and support this idea, but I’m afraid it’s too little too late.
I have lived in downtown and have witnessed firsthand the concerns about increased homelessness, crime and open drug use and sale. I recently moved away from Esther Short Park because of the danger there at night. I have worked in downtown Portland and now Hayden Island and see the impact on steroids. As the city of Portland has been forced to clean up the encampments, guess where many of them are going. Yep, Vancouver.
Our annual homeless count has been grossly underestimating the number of homeless. Sadly, like many, I now suffer from compassion fatigue. Many who need help won’t accept it. And the Stay Safe developments, while noble, are just a drop in the bucket. Something needs to be done soon or else suffer the fate of Portland.