I appreciated Gary Van Allen’s letter regarding “character,” especially in juxtaposition to the pro-Trump ones (“Look for character in leaders,” Our Readers’ Views, Sept. 18). I come from a solidly Christian background, and what I hear and see from the “Christians” who support Trump is nothing like what I was brought up with.
“What would Jesus do?” is the question these folks need to ask themselves. Do they read the New Testament and Jesus’ words? Doesn’t sound like it. Instead, we hear dire threats of destruction, hatred of the other and a hard-to-understand adoration of Trump. This seriously disturbed man-child represents “values” that are reprehensible to what Jesus teaches.
MAGA/Christian nationalists are said to believe that God sent Trump to them to “save” this country. If one accepts the premise that God takes direct action in our lives, then it’s more likely that God gave them Trump to test them. They have failed that test.