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Vigilance remains key for waterfowl hunters

Large avian flu outbreak not detected in Southwest Washington

By Terry Otto, Columbian freelance outdoors writer
Published: January 4, 2025, 6:02am
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4 Photos
Avian flu tends to spread more rapidly in the winter when waterfowl are concentrated in tight flocks, such as these cackling Canada geese.
Avian flu tends to spread more rapidly in the winter when waterfowl are concentrated in tight flocks, such as these cackling Canada geese. (Terry Otto for The Columbian) Photo Gallery

The Canada goose did not seem to be acting right.

My son and I were hunting waterfowl along a river, and this bird was holding just off the bank. We began to move toward the goose, but it did not take flight, even after it had obviously spotted us coming after it.

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Columbian freelance outdoors writer