As we enter the new year, the future of our nation is still in our hands. America will be as good or bad as the American people themselves. How we act locally and who we choose to be as individuals and as a community will create the future of our nation.
We all love our country, and most of us continue to believe that America is meant to be a shining city on a hill, an example and inspiration for all the world, prioritizing love, generosity and competence. America was never meant to be the Roman Empire, greedily and violently conquering the world to glorify a few egotistical and greedy men. America is something new and better, not a slope-shouldered acceptance that things will never get better, nor a return to ancient barbaric ways.
So, reject foolish notions like, “greed is good,” “America first” or “Christian conservatism.” Christianity, like almost every code of ethics, says, “love one another, love your neighbor, love your enemy, love the poor, and love the Samaritans.” Nowhere does it say, “pursue money, pursue corporate power, and cut taxes.” Nowhere does it say, “The people who founded America have the only right way of living, and we must protect ourselves from any other cultures who come into America, or who live in other nations.” Nowhere. Those ideas are un-Christian and unethical.
They’re also un-American. Global trade is the engine of our economy. The global trade order was created by America. It is nourished by the free exchange of ideas across cultures, efficient trade among nations and ongoing growth of a large middle class — not concentration of wealth to the few. Growth and jobs are fueled by expanding the middle class, not by fattening the oligarchy.