CAMAS — The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4278 held its annual Wreaths Across America ceremony on Dec. 14 at the Camas Cemetery. For the past nine years, VFW members have held this ceremony to honor our veterans. For the third year, sponsors made sure each of the 880 veterans buried in the cemetery had a wreath for their grave.
Members from Scouting America’s Troop 424/5424, Troop 562 and Pack 424 and many members from the local community helped place a wreath. Several veterans from the VFW and community participated in this year’s ceremony, including Chris Imrie (Navy) VFW Color Guard; Logan Gillespie, bagpiper; Don Chaney (Army) retired police chief and Camas City Council; David Stuebe (USMC) VFW member and mayor of Washougal; Shawna Sommerville (Navy) Camas Police Department (records); Tim Hein (Army) Camas City Council member; Kraig Anspach (Air Force) Camas Police Department (code enforcement); Dana Difford (Coast Guard and Air Force) VFW member and district commander; Waine Richards (Navy) VFW member; Corrine Forney, VFW Auxiliary president; Oliver O’Keefe, Camas High School bugler; Tom Brandt (Navy) VFW Color Guard.
This annual ceremony is intended to remember, honor and teach about the service and sacrifices of our veterans.