Tinseltown tunes
The Vancouver Symphony’s Chamber Music Series welcomes Rodney Sauer’s live accompaniment to the 1929 silent film, “Why Be Good?” at 7 p.m. today at the Kiggins Theatre, 1011 Main St. in downtown Vancouver. Sauer, a member of the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra, will provide a period-authentic score along with musicians Eva Richey on violin, Dieter Ratzlaf on cello, Bruce Dunn on trumpet and Igor Shakhman on clarinet. Tickets are $25 at kigginstheatre.com.
Paper chase
Birdhouse Books hosts The Ephemerists, a monthly paper arts and collage group that meets from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday at 1001 Main St., Vancouver. Work on collage projects, create journals, make washi tape and other paper-based creative projects. There’s a $5 charge per person to cover the costs of glue, paper and other materials. Bring your own scissors. Learn more at birdhousebooks.store.
Rhyme time
The Camas Public Library, 625 N.E. Fourth Ave., Camas, hosts a monthly Poetry Street PNW Open Mic from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. All ages can read their own original poetry, share poems by a favorite poet or come to listen. Doors open at 6:15 p.m., sign-ups end at 6:25 p.m. and readings are from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. Each reader will have 3-5 minutes, depending on the total number of readers. The audience is invited to give feedback. Poems should be family-friendly, and everyone should stay until the last poem has been read.
Drink and doodle
The Artisans’ Guild of Camas and Camas Public Library will host Pencils and Pints from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at A Beer at a Time, 216 N.E. Third Ave., Camas. Draw with others at this low-key meet-up for adults. Participants will draw, doodle or scribble while enjoying a beverage. No registration is needed. Paper, pencils and clipboards are available, but guests are also welcome to bring their own supplies. Learn more at facebook.com/abeeratatimecamas/ or artisansguildcamas.org.