BELLINGHAM — Demolition of the Nooksack River Casino building and surrounding structures began last week, the Nooksack Tribal Council announced in a social media post on Jan. 8.
The demolition was expected to take many days. Much of the building was still standing on Sunday, Jan. 12.
“We appreciate all the love and feedback we have received regarding how important this building and business was to our people and community,” the Facebook post announcing the demolition said.
The Nooksack Tribal Council asked community members to be aware that the site is an active construction zone and that “onlookers may be asked to move or leave the grounds if needed for safety reasons.”
No immediate statement regarding future plans for the site was released. However the Tribal Council said in its announcement that finalized plans for the space will be announced to the community when they become available. Progress photos and updates will also be shared, the Tribe said.
“We appreciate your support as we begin a new phase for this important piece of Nooksack land,” the announcement said.
The Nooksack Tribe did not respond to a request for additional comment from The Bellingham Herald.
The announcement drew dozens of comments from community members sharing fond memories of the casino, asking questions about the site’s plans, and sending well wishes for the land’s future.
“Goodbye NRC ,sad! Lots of good memories and met lots of good people and friends . Love that place and all my co workers just like family,” one commenter said.
“I’m heartbroken! Only the memories remain,” another commenter said. “I’ve met great people here that are my friends!”
“Such a huge loss.. sad to see it go. But I understand it has to be done,” another commenter said.
The Nooksack River Casino building, next to the Nooksack Market Center off Highway 542 in Deming, has been closed for about a decade since its operations shuttered in December 2015 after financial strain.
The Tribe had been in court with lenders for years over millions in unpaid debts that were used to renovate the casino, making the building’s future unclear, according to previous Bellingham Herald reporting. The casino was renovated using about $15 million in loans that the Nooksack Business Corp., an entity owned by the Tribe, made payments on for only a year before going into default.
The legal process between banks and the Tribe lasted for years in part due to questions of whether local courts had jurisdiction over the case.
The 2024 total appraised value of the Nooksack River Casino land and building was more than $3.1 million, Whatcom County property records show.
The Nooksack Northwood Casino on off-reservation trust land near Lynden remains in operation.