I read with great interest, and a measure of sadness, the recent article on police accountability and officer-involved shootings (“Police shootings in Clark County hit a 30-year high,” The Columbian, Jan. 11). I spent a good part of a 30-year career in the Alaska Department of Law working with the Alaska State Troopers and law enforcement agencies across the state. I was also an instructor at the AST and Anchorage Police training academies, teaching among other topics the use of force by troopers/officers.
Over the years, I spent many hours on officer ride-alongs, seeing firsthand what law enforcement officers deal with every day. I also attended more than a few memorials for officers killed in the line of duty … many were my friends.
These men and women were and are doing jobs that the rest of us could never imagine doing. Thank you officers — then and now — for all you do to keep our communities safe. There are more of us who appreciate your service than demand increased and unreasonable restrictions on how you do a very dangerous and often thankless job. Be careful out there, and come home safely.