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WDFW announces tentative Cowlitz recreational smelt fishery schedule

Licenses are required this year for dip-netting

By Columbian news services
Published: January 17, 2025, 1:07pm

RIDGEFIELD — The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has announced a new tentative schedule approach for the Cowlitz River recreational smelt fishery.

This approach is designed to provide advance notice of potential fishing days, while balancing increasing fishing effort with sustainable management practices.

Under this strategy, WDFW proposes tentative recreational smelt dipping opportunities on Wednesdays and Saturdays from Feb. 5 through March 22.

The fishing dates remain tentative and will only be confirmed after weekly smelt run size evaluations.

“This approach represents a significant step forward in how we manage the Cowlitz River smelt fishery,” said Laura Heironimus, WDFW’s Columbia River smelt lead. “By setting tentative dates, we can give fishers more time to plan, while maintaining the flexibility to adapt based on real-time data, such as commercial landings, or catch reports, to ensure smelt population health.”

Each week, WDFW will assess commercial fishery data to determine whether the smelt run size is sufficient to support recreational harvests. WDFW will announce final approval for fishing dates and hours of harvest by 3 p.m. on the Friday preceding each week’s tentative dates.

Refer to WDFW’s Cowlitz River smelt fishing webpage ( for weekly updates.

The tentative fishing dates for the 2025 season, along with approval notice dates, are listed below:

Stay informed on what is happening in Clark County, WA and beyond for only
  • Feb. 5 and Feb. 8 (approval notice Jan. 31)
  • Feb. 12 and Feb. 15 (approval notice Feb. 7)
  • Feb. 19 and Feb. 22 (approval notice Feb. 14)
  • Feb. 26 and March 1 (approval notice Feb. 21)
  • March 5 and March 8 (approval notice Feb. 28)
  • March 12 and March 15 (approval notice March 7)
  • March 19 and March 22 (approval notice March 14)

When recreational harvest is available, the goal is to open the fishery weekly on both Wednesday and Saturday. However, fishery managers may open the fishery only one day (Wednesday or Saturday), if necessary, to remain within the harvest quota.

“In 2025, it is unlikely that the fishery will be open for all tentative dates, but we expect some fishing days to be approved based on current run size projections,” Heironimus said.

“We may also find that even when the run size appears large enough for sustainable harvest, natural factors like water conditions, timing, and unpredictable migration patterns could mean smelt are not present in large numbers during days open to recreational dip-netting.”

During approved fishing dates, a designated portion of the Cowlitz River will be open for recreational dip-netting.

When the fishery is open, dip-netting from the shore is permitted on the river from the Highway 432 Bridge near Kelso upstream to the Al Helenberg Memorial Boat Ramp, located approximately 1,300 feet upstream of the Highway 411/A Street Bridge in Castle Rock.

Each dip-netter is allowed to keep a daily limit of up to 10 pounds of smelt and must keep all smelt they catch until they reach the daily limit. Each harvester is required to use a separate container to hold their catch, which must be either in their presence or marked with their name. It is unlawful to harvest smelt from a vessel.

In compliance with a newly enacted law, a valid Washington combination or freshwater fishing license, or a valid temporary license, is required to dip-net for smelt. Children 14 and under do not need a fishing license.

Eulachon, commonly known as Columbia River smelt, have been listed as a threatened species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) since 2010 due to a sharp decline in returns that began in the 1990s.
