Pendleton Woolen Mills has proposed a 63-acre mixed-use development. (DOUG Flanagan/Post-Record)
WASHOUGAL — Pendleton Woolen Mills is proposing a mixed-use development featuring commercial, industrial, recreational and residential uses on 63 acres in downtown Washougal.
Pendleton has applied to the city of Washougal for a 15-year development agreement for the project, which the city council will review in a public hearing at 7 p.m. Feb. 24.
“This is pretty exciting to be able to move forward,” Washougal City Manager David Scott said during a Jan. 13 workshop. “Pendleton has been iconic in our community for a long time.”
The property is owned by Pendleton and consists of 10.1 acres where the current Pendleton building sits, 17.6 acres zoned for mixed use on the east and west ends, and 21.1 acres zoned residential in the center, including an area south of state Highway 14, according to a staff report.
The existing Pendleton Woolen Mills building at 2 Pendleton Way will remain in place, according to the staff report.
The Washougal mill manufactures wool textiles for use in blankets, men’s and women’s clothing, and upholstery. The company was founded in 1909 in Pendleton, Ore.
Pendleton’s master plan includes approximately 175,000 square feet of neighborhood retail space and 190,000 square feet of office space, and provides connector trails integrated with on-site open space, as well as other amenities, according to the staff report.
About 780 multifamily residential units “are possible under the conceptual master plan,” according to the staff report.
City Community Development Director Mitch Kneipp said the proposed uses are consistent with the city of Washougal’s Town Center Core and East Village zoning districts, as well as the Town Center District Transportation and Infrastructure study conducted in 2017.
The city mailed a public notice to property owners within 500 feet of the property Jan. 7 and will soon issue its State Environmental Policy Act determination, Kneipp said.
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