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Gardening with Allen: Prune fruit trees for easier reach

By Allen Wilson, Columbian freelance writer
Published: January 25, 2025, 6:08am

Can I reduce the height of my apple trees so all the fruit is within reach without a ladder? Is this a good time to prune apple and other fruit trees?

Fruit trees can be pruned any time from now until early April. It is best to prune before new growth starts.

Fruit trees should be pruned every year to produce fruit that is within easy reach for picking.

Trees that have not been pruned adequately each year will need to have some larger branches shortened by cutting just above an outward facing side branch or bud that is a foot or two below the upper height you can reach.

The main pruning job is to remove some of the extra small branches so that more light can reach those that remain. This also reduces the number of fruits somewhat, resulting in larger fruit with better color.

Normally, a third to half of the smaller branches are removed (thinned) back to their origin. Whenever two branches grow into each other or cross, one should be removed.

All of the branches that grow inward toward the center of the tree should be removed. Remove vertical branches, especially those that grow straight up. Leave the most horizontal outward facing branches because they will bear fruit sooner and more abundantly.

The center of the tree should have few small branches except spurs. This allows more light for the ripening fruit on the lower branches.

Apple, pear, cherry, apricot and plum trees bear most of their fruit on short, twiggy branches called spurs. These should not be removed unless they are dead or broken. Some spurs will be removed with the excess branches that are removed to create better light conditions for the lower and inner branches.

Part of the fruit on apricots and plums and all of the fruit on peaches and nectarines grows on the previous season’s growth. Be sure to leave some of last year’s growth in all parts of the trees.

This is also a good time to prune other trees and shrubs except for spring blooming shrubs. Wait until after bloom to prune flowering shrubs such as azalea and rhododendron.

Columbian freelance writer