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In Our View: Jain for Evergreen school board’s Dist. 4 seat

October 10, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

One way to view elections is to look at them as a job-hiring. You consider the resume and the experience and you interview the candidates, and then you choose the one who best fulfills the specific job requirements. After undertaking that process, The Columbian Editorial Board recommends Divya Jain for… Read story

In Our View: Sproul for Vancouver school board Position 1

October 9, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

Judging from results of the primary election in August, the race for Position 1 on the Vancouver school board is likely to be close in the November general election. And it should be — challenger Kyle Sproul and incumbent Dale Rice both are strong candidates and well-qualified to shepherd the… Read story

In Our View: Medvigy for Clark County Council District 4

October 8, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

Be it an election for county council or city council or any other office, voters should look for candidates who are thoughtful, insightful and able to articulate a clear vision without clinging to ideological rigidity. With those traits in mind, The Columbian Editorial Board recommends that Republican Gary Medvigy retain… Read story

In Our View: Return Stober to Vancouver City Council

October 7, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

When considering the election for Position 5 on the Vancouver City Council, voters will find two qualified candidates who are capable of helping to shepherd the city into the future. The Columbian Editorial Board recommends a vote for incumbent Ty Stober in his race against challenger David Regan. Read story

In Our View: Fox for Vancouver City Council Position 6

October 6, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

The election for Position 6 on the Vancouver City Council is largely a choice between what the city has been and what it can be in the future. Sarah Fox has a thoughtful, robust vision of the city’s potential and has earned a recommendation from The Columbian Editorial Board. Read story

In Our View: Barrows for Vancouver school board Position 5

October 4, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

The candidates for Position 5 on the board of Vancouver Public Schools give voters two strong options. The Columbian Editorial Board recommends Tracie Barrows in a race against Chris Lewis. Read story

In Our View: Burkman for Port of Vancouver commissioner

October 3, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

For three decades, Jack Burkman has been an active and influential member of the community. Throughout that time, he has been a thoughtful, well-informed leader who not only understands the issues but is willing and able to explain them in an easily understood fashion. Read story

In Our View: Perkins for Evergreen school board Position 2

October 2, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

Position 2 on the Evergreen Public Schools board is certain to be in good hands following the November election. The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends a vote for incumbent Rob Perkins in a race against impressive challenger Bethany Rivard. Read story

In Our View: Paulsen clear choice to remain on Vancouver City Council

October 1, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

When Clark County voters receive their ballots for the general election in a couple weeks, there will be no easier decision than to mark Erik Paulsen for Vancouver City Council, Position 2. Read story

In Our View: Election security should be nonpartisan issue

August 6, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

Today is Election Day in Washington, meaning ballots for the primary must be postmarked or dropped off by 8 p.m. For many local voters, this is a needed reminder; the 2017 primary had 19.9 percent turnout in Clark County, one of the lowest rates in the state. Read story