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In Our View: Time to examine candidates, issues for primary

July 19, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

Ballots for the Aug. 6 primary election are scheduled to be mailed out today. Judging from experience, that means a vast majority of voters in Clark County will leave the envelope sitting on the counter for a couple weeks before tossing it in the recycling bin. Read story

In Our View: Barrows, Lewis for Vancouver schools Position 5video icon

July 17, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

In the race for Vancouver school board, Position 5, The Columbian's Editorial Board recommends Tracie Barrows and Chris Lewis as the strongest candidates to advance to the general election. Read story

In Our View: Messer, Decker for Vancouver schools Pos. 4video icon

July 16, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

The campaign for Vancouver school board, Position 4, features four strong candidates who have clear visions for the future of the district. The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends Lisa Messer and Kathy Decker as the best choices to advance to the general election. Read story

In Our View: Erik Paulsen for Vancouver City Council Position 2

July 15, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

In a short time, Erik Paulsen has established himself as a thoughtful and effective member of the Vancouver City Council. The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends him for election to Position 2 on the council. Read story

In Our View: Perez, Montague for city council Position 6

July 14, 2019, 6:03am Editorials

Vancouver voters are faced with a difficult choice in the seven-candidate race for city councilor, Position 6. While there are several contenders, The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends supporting Diana Perez and Paul Montague in the Aug. 6 primary. Read story

In Our View: Our Voting Suggestions

November 4, 2018, 6:03am Editorials

The early returns show lots of returns. Ballots for Tuesday’s election were mailed to voters more than two weeks ago, and a count by Clark County officials reveals that an unusually high percentage have been filled out and sent back. Read story

In Our View: Maintain Tax, With Asterisk

October 19, 2018, 6:03am Editorials

Perhaps the most confusing and certainly the most meaningless item on the Nov. 6 ballot falls under the headline “Advisory Vote No. 19.” The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends a “maintain” vote on this item. Read story

In Our View: Keep Weber as Clerk

October 18, 2018, 6:03am Editorials

During his eight years in office, Scott Weber has had a complicated relationship with the job of Clark County clerk. Despite this, The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends a vote to retain the Republican in the Nov. 6 election. Read story

In Our View: Van Nortwick for Assessor

October 17, 2018, 6:03am Editorials

The Columbian’s Editorial Board recommends that Peter Van Nortwick be retained as Clark County Assessor in the Nov. 6 election. While the assessor’s race is likely to garner more attention than usual this year, we believe it is essential for voters to recognize that Van Nortwick has grown into the… Read story

In Our View: Cantwell for Senate

October 16, 2018, 6:03am Editorials

Cy being in tune with issues facing Washington state and by supporting policies that will help create a prosperous future for all Americans, Democrat Maria Cantwell has earned a fourth term in the United States Senate. The Columbian Editorial Board recommends a vote for Cantwell to continue her vital work… Read story