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Casino & Gambling

Actor and comedian Nick Offerman reacts to the announcement that he is being given a Cowlitz Indian Tribe blanket made by Pendleton Woolen Mills following a performance in the Cowlitz Ballroom at ilani.

History of respect woven into Pendleton’s partnership with Cowlitz Tribe

Actor and comedian Nick Offerman reacts to the announcement that he is being given a Cowlitz Indian Tribe blanket made by Pendleton Woolen Mills following a performance in the Cowlitz Ballroom at ilani.

May 5, 2019, 6:02am Business

At the end of his show, Nick Offerman set down his guitar near his personally handmade ukulele, took a bow and headed off the stage at the Cowlitz Ballroom. Read story

Alisha Alexander, left, and her mother, Lisa Lugar, right, both of Ridgefield, play the new Willy Wonka World of Wonka slot machine at ilani. Lugar said she and her daughter have come to enjoy “Forever Young Mondays,” where guests 50 years and older receive special perks. Wednesday marks ilani’s two-year anniversary.

Two years in, ilani owners still have a winning hand

Alisha Alexander, left, and her mother, Lisa Lugar, right, both of Ridgefield, play the new Willy Wonka World of Wonka slot machine at ilani. Lugar said she and her daughter have come to enjoy “Forever Young Mondays,” where guests 50 years and older receive special perks. Wednesday marks ilani’s two-year anniversary.

April 21, 2019, 6:05am Business

Most of the same sights and sounds greet an ilani visitor today as they did two years ago, when the casino and resort opened 17 miles north of downtown Vancouver. Read story

The 368,000-square-foot, $510 million ilani opened two years ago, on April 24, 2017.

Clark County to sort out how to apportion tribe payments

The 368,000-square-foot, $510 million ilani opened two years ago, on April 24, 2017.

April 21, 2019, 6:04am Clark County Business

U.S. law exempts Indian reservations from state and local laws and taxes, so when the 156-acre Cowlitz Indian Reservation was taken into trust in 2010, local governments lost part of their tax base. But agencies such as the Clark County Sheriff’s Office and Clark County Fire & Rescue provide ilani… Read story

Country star Brad Paisley comes to the Sunlight Supply Amphitheater June 15.

What’s hot at the amphitheater and ilani this year?

Country star Brad Paisley comes to the Sunlight Supply Amphitheater June 15.

March 8, 2019, 6:05am Clark County Life

This will be the last time you can yell “Free Bird!” and mean it. If the “farewell tour” buzz can be believed, that is. Read story

Nick Offerman

Nick Offerman coming to ilani stage in April

Nick Offerman

December 14, 2018, 6:05am Clark County Life

Ron Swanson’s industrial broom of a moustache may or may not come with him. Either way, comedian and actor Nick Offerman will perform at ilani’s Cowlitz Ballroom on April 18. Tickets go on sale this morning at 10 a.m. Read story

Dealer Sandy Pham looks over cards while assisting players at The Last Frontier Casino. The casino has about 200 employees.

At age 30, The Last Frontier makes sure this isn’t the last stand

Dealer Sandy Pham looks over cards while assisting players at The Last Frontier Casino. The casino has about 200 employees.

December 9, 2018, 6:06am Business

Matt Hess took a three-month class to learn how to become a table games dealer about 20 years ago at The Last Frontier Casino and decided he’d found his career calling. Read story

The Columbian files REO Speedwagon on tour.

Power ballad kings REO Speedwagon to play ilani

The Columbian files REO Speedwagon on tour.

September 21, 2018, 6:04am Clark County Life

It’s 37 years later, and they just wanna keep on loving you. Read story

Supporters of ilani casino gather for the groundbreaking of the new convenience store and gas station Thursday morning. Below: An artist’s rendering of the new convenience store and gas station is seen outside ilani casino.

ilani to build gas station, convenience store

Supporters of ilani casino gather for the groundbreaking of the new convenience store and gas station Thursday morning. Below: An artist’s rendering of the new convenience store and gas station is seen outside ilani casino.

September 6, 2018, 6:01pm Business

A new gas station and convenience store are on the horizon near ilani. Read story

Paul Anka sings the songs of Frank Sinatra - including songs Anka wrote his way - at ilani on Oct. 11.

Paul Anka to do it his way at ilani

Paul Anka sings the songs of Frank Sinatra - including songs Anka wrote his way - at ilani on Oct. 11.

July 13, 2018, 6:04am Clark County Life

When Frank Sinatra was doing it his way, he was actually doing it Paul Anka’s way. Read story

Rapper Pitbull plays at ilani on July 15.

Global pop star Pitbull will bite at ilani

Rapper Pitbull plays at ilani on July 15.

June 8, 2018, 6:04am Clark County Life

Mr. Worldwide is coming to our little piece of the world. Read story