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Early Childhood Education

New statewide data shows that children entering early learning programs in Washington are meeting developmental standards at a far lower rate than pre-pandemic levels.

Experts in Clark County say post-pandemic learning losses hit preschoolers

New statewide data shows that children entering early learning programs in Washington are meeting developmental standards at a far lower rate than pre-pandemic levels.

March 22, 2023, 6:05pm Clark County News

New data shows that the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the cognitive development of preschool-aged children in Washington, particularly those of color and in low-income communities. Read story

Katie Kressin poses at the Alakanuk School. Since joining as a teacher in 2011, she says, the remote town has grown close to her heart, and she plans to retire there.

In Alaska, a former Clark County teacher learns

Katie Kressin poses at the Alakanuk School. Since joining as a teacher in 2011, she says, the remote town has grown close to her heart, and she plans to retire there.

January 1, 2023, 6:00am Clark County News

On Alaska’s western coast, life is harsh and unforgiving. And yet, as she sought her life’s second act, surviving one of Earth’s most unrelenting climates seemed like nothing less than a gift to Katie Kressin. Read story

Jodi Wall, the executive director for early care and education at ESD 112 in Vancouver, spoke before the House Children, Youth and Families Committee on Thursday about the need for increased federal funding in Head Start and ECEAP programs.

ESD 112 official urges lawmakers to support early learning in Southwest Washington

Jodi Wall, the executive director for early care and education at ESD 112 in Vancouver, spoke before the House Children, Youth and Families Committee on Thursday about the need for increased federal funding in Head Start and ECEAP programs.

December 1, 2022, 7:08pm Clark County News

Effective child care and early-learning opportunities are often described as linchpins for economic progress; they allow parents to feel comfortable going to work, knowing their children are in a safe, welcoming environment while they’re away. Read story

Head Start supervising teacher Tamara Harris playfully cautions students to stay quiet at Evergreen High School on Friday morning. A lack of federal funding has put an even larger dent in the capacity of local Head Start child care and early learning facilities, particularly in Clark County.

Head Start in Clark County challenged by lack of federal funding

Head Start supervising teacher Tamara Harris playfully cautions students to stay quiet at Evergreen High School on Friday morning. A lack of federal funding has put an even larger dent in the capacity of local Head Start child care and early learning facilities, particularly in Clark County.

September 3, 2022, 6:04am Clark County News

While Matt Sloan worked with a handful of children to improve their castle of wooden blocks, Yolanda Cano was needed at the door. Read story

The Evergreen Public Schools Administrative Service Center.

ESD 112 eyes early learning site at former 49th Street Academy

The Evergreen Public Schools Administrative Service Center.

July 14, 2022, 6:02am Clark County News

A new early learning facility could soon be coming to Vancouver. Read story

Federal and state funding for the Head Start program and related groups — which provide early learning child care and intervention services to at-risk youth and their families — have had to shut down a half dozen classrooms amid staffing shortages during the pandemic.

Head Start early learning short on staff in Southwest Washington

Federal and state funding for the Head Start program and related groups — which provide early learning child care and intervention services to at-risk youth and their families — have had to shut down a half dozen classrooms amid staffing shortages during the pandemic.

May 18, 2022, 7:01pm Clark County News

For more than 50 years, the Head Start program has provided critical early-learning intervention services to millions of children and their families across the country, including thousands here in Clark County. Read story

Battle Ground Public Schools’ new preschool program to open in September

April 6, 2022, 6:03am Clark County News

Battle Ground Public Schools is launching a new preschool program in September. Similar to the district’s program at Prairie High School, the new preschool will operate within Battle Ground High School. Read story

Kindergarten sign-ups on at all Clark County school districts

March 17, 2022, 6:03am Clark County News

Clark County school districts are now enrolling kindergarten students for the 2022-23 school year. Educational Service District 112 encourages families with children who will be 5 years old by Aug. 31 to start the enrollment process now. Read story

Jamie Bennett loves the critters included with his at-home play kit from Columbia Play Project.

Columbia Play Project’s at-home kits give young kids a boost

Jamie Bennett loves the critters included with his at-home play kit from Columbia Play Project.

December 23, 2021, 6:06am Clark County News

When the Portland Children’s Museum closed its doors in May, kids throughout the metro area and Clark County were left without a place where education and fun come together. Columbia Play Project is working to change that. Read story

Students learn the days of the week at Jack and Jill Daycare. If passed, the child care plan in the Build Back Better Act would make care more accessible and affordable through subsidies.

Sen. Murray says child care provisions in Build Back Better Act will benefit Washington families

Students learn the days of the week at Jack and Jill Daycare. If passed, the child care plan in the Build Back Better Act would make care more accessible and affordable through subsidies.

December 16, 2021, 6:03am Business

Child care in America has been a silent crisis for years. Read story