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Vancouver Fire Department

Seven people were displaced in an apartment fire Sunday evening on east Fourth Plain Boulevard.

Vancouver apartment fire initially reported as electrical issues

Seven people were displaced in an apartment fire Sunday evening on east Fourth Plain Boulevard.

October 21, 2024, 7:47am Clark County News

Vancouver firefighters spent  41/2 hours combatting an apartment fire Sunday night in central Vancouver. The fire displaced seven people from the complex on East Fourth Plain Boulevard. Read story

Robb Milano, Emergency Medical Services Division Chief, walks with an emergency medical kit. Proposed budget cuts would eliminate three positions in the Vancouver Fire Department and bring three captains back to line staffing.

Vancouver looks at cuts to police, fire, roads and community services to close $43M budget deficit

Robb Milano, Emergency Medical Services Division Chief, walks with an emergency medical kit. Proposed budget cuts would eliminate three positions in the Vancouver Fire Department and bring three captains back to line staffing.

October 15, 2024, 2:36pm Clark County News

Vancouver officials are weighing cuts to police, fire, parks and recreation, streets and environmental programs. Read story

Recreational burn ban ends in Vancouver

September 17, 2024, 11:26am Clark County News

Due to recent rains and anticipated cooler weather conditions, Vancouver Fire Marshal Heidi Scarpelli lifted the recreational burn ban within city limits effective Tuesday. Read story

A fire broke out in an encampment in the woods nestled on a hill between Highway 99 and Interstate 5. Residents and fire officials said no one was hurt.

Warming fire gets out of control in Hazel Dell homeless camp

A fire broke out in an encampment in the woods nestled on a hill between Highway 99 and Interstate 5. Residents and fire officials said no one was hurt.

September 13, 2024, 2:56pm Clark County News

Kristy Salt woke up Friday to the sound of wood crackling nearby and a loud boom. Next came the heat. A fire raced through her camp, about a dozen tents and shacks nestled on a hill between Highway 99 and Interstate 5. Read story

Jesse Martin, public information officer for the Vancouver Fire Department, from left, joins firefighter/engineer Paul Coulimore and firefighter/paramedic Caleb Butler as they assist a woman struggling during an excessive heat warning in Vancouver’s Uptown Village on Thursday afternoon. The temperature was hovering near triple digits at the time of the call.

Out of the fire into the heat: Vancouver firefighters don’t get a break when temperatures soar

Jesse Martin, public information officer for the Vancouver Fire Department, from left, joins firefighter/engineer Paul Coulimore and firefighter/paramedic Caleb Butler as they assist a woman struggling during an excessive heat warning in Vancouver’s Uptown Village on Thursday afternoon. The temperature was hovering near triple digits at the time of the call.

September 6, 2024, 12:43pm Clark County News

As Vancouver Fire Engine 1 drove the streets of downtown Vancouver on Thursday afternoon, its crew remarked on the emptiness of the usually bustling sidewalks. Read story

Vancouver firefighters extract a driver from a car that flipped on Highway 14 in east Vancouver on Monday afternoon.

Driver in critical condition after car rolls on Highway 14 in east Vancouver

Vancouver firefighters extract a driver from a car that flipped on Highway 14 in east Vancouver on Monday afternoon.

July 30, 2024, 7:54am Clark County News

A driver was seriously injured and burned in a two-vehicle crash Monday afternoon on state Highway 14 in east Vancouver. Read story

Water sprays out of cannons on the front of Vancouver Fire Boat 1 on Monday on the Columbia River. In the 10 years the department has had the boat, development along Vancouver’s waterfront has increased the need for the emergency response vessel.

Vancouver Fire Boat 1 can do it all: Search and rescue, firefighting and medical emergencies

Water sprays out of cannons on the front of Vancouver Fire Boat 1 on Monday on the Columbia River. In the 10 years the department has had the boat, development along Vancouver’s waterfront has increased the need for the emergency response vessel.

July 27, 2024, 6:03am Clark County News

As members of the Vancouver Fire Department cruised down the Columbia River aboard Fire Boat 1, they remarked on how much has changed about the city’s waterfront in the 10 years since the agency acquired the emergency response vessel. Read story

Robb Milano, Emergency Medical Services Division chief, adds a dose of Narcan to a medical kit at Vancouver Fire Department headquarters. The Vancouver Fire Department has launched a new leave-behind Narcan program. Narcan overdose prevention kits are provided to any individual who receives overdose treatment from Vancouver first responders.

Vancouver Fire Department sees slight drop in overdoses with new Narcan leave-behind program

Robb Milano, Emergency Medical Services Division chief, adds a dose of Narcan to a medical kit at Vancouver Fire Department headquarters. The Vancouver Fire Department has launched a new leave-behind Narcan program. Narcan overdose prevention kits are provided to any individual who receives overdose treatment from Vancouver first responders.

July 18, 2024, 3:34pm Clark County Health

In 2023, the Vancouver Fire Department responded to one to two overdoses a day on average, according to the department. Read story

A firefighter stands near the back patio of a burned apartment unit June 11 at the site of a three-alarm fire at the Erica Village apartment complex in Hazel Dell. Regional fire officials are sounding the alarm over a disturbing trend at the start of summer: a rash of destructive fires at multifamily buildings.

Spike in apartment fires alarms officials in Southwest Washington, Oregon

A firefighter stands near the back patio of a burned apartment unit June 11 at the site of a three-alarm fire at the Erica Village apartment complex in Hazel Dell. Regional fire officials are sounding the alarm over a disturbing trend at the start of summer: a rash of destructive fires at multifamily buildings.

June 26, 2024, 6:06am Clark County News

Regional fire officials are sounding the alarm over a disturbing trend at the start of summer: a rash of destructive fires at multifamily buildings. Read story

U.S. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Skamania speaks with Clark County first responders about their child care needs at Vancouver City Hall on Thursday morning.

Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez hosts roundtable with first responders to discuss child care access

U.S. Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Skamania speaks with Clark County first responders about their child care needs at Vancouver City Hall on Thursday morning.

June 20, 2024, 5:30pm Clark County News

First responders face exceptional difficulties accessing child care. In Clark County only about 23.59 percent of child care needs are being met, according to the state Department of Children, Youth & Families. Read story