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News / Northwest

Investigators: Evidence of Eyman wrongdoing

By Associated Press
Published: September 21, 2015, 7:59pm

State investigators found Monday that anti-tax initiative promoter Tim Eyman apparently violated state election law by misspending campaign funds, including $170,000 for personal use.

Public Disclosure Commission staff recommended the case be referred to the state attorney general to take legal action against Eyman and two political committees he helps run for what investigators called “apparent violations” of election laws.

The News Tribune reported investigators found that at least $182,000 in contributions raised for Initiative 1185 went to back another initiative. Initiative 1185 aimed to make it harder to raise taxes in the Legislature by requiring two-thirds majorities.

A lawyer criticized the findings against Eyman, who has made his name pursuing ballot measures restricting taxes and fees.

“The report omits and mischaracterizes evidence,” attorney Mark Lamb of Bothell said in a press release. “To this day, my client believes all required information was reported.” The dispute stems from a signature-gathering company, Citizen Solutions, that was paid more than $1.1 million to qualify Initiative 1185 for the 2012 ballot.

The commission tied that money to an unreported $308,185 payment in July 2012 by Citizen Solutions to a limited-liability company formed by Eyman. Eyman told the commission under questioning that Citizen Solutions paid him so he would find new clients for the company, but that they had no written agreement.
