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Royal Philharmonic Elvis CD brings fresh takes to classics backed by orchestra

By GREGORY KATZ, Associated Press
Published: October 29, 2016, 5:07am

“The Wonder of You,” recorded at the Beatles’ old Abbey Road Studios, offers one more chance to enjoy Presley’s voice in a different context, deliciously backed by a world-class orchestra geared toward the nuances of his delivery. It’s a new twist on a very familiar, and treasured, body of work.

This one is a tried and true concept, basically a variation on last year’s quite successful posthumous pairing of Elvis Presley with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, but the fact that it’s been done once before doesn’t diminish the pleasure.

There are few surprises, but it’s a reminder of Presley’s range and vocal dexterity. The opening rocker, “A Big Hunk O’ Love,” sounds totally fresh in an orchestral mode. Fans of Elvis’s gospel approach will thrill to his masterful “Amazing Grace.”

The orchestral style suits Elvis well: Taken out of the rock ‘n’ roll context, there is no need for his swagger or his snarl. The orchestra is restrained and understated, allowing Presley’s vocals alone to carry the day, even if they do fall short on “Memories.”

The orchestral format also gives rise to “live” concerts with Elvis singing on screen while the Royal Philharmonic performs. A series of six British shows in major arenas this fall is expected to draw thousands of the faithful, even 39 years after his death, in a country where he never performed.

But two Royal Philharmonic CDs may be enough. What some fans crave — Elvis singing alone, with only his guitar — may not exist, and may be impossible to digitally create.
