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Singletary: Time to lighten your paper overload

By Michelle Singletary
Published: January 27, 2017, 6:01am

We are still a paper nation.

Despite technological advances, we continue to use a lot of paper. And a lot of it is stuffed in closets, file cabinets and shopping bags. And, for some of us, stacked on our floors.

I’ve been encouraging people to participate in my #NoDebtNoMess Color of Money Challenge. It started with assessing the mess both in your home and in your finances. Then we dealt with reducing redundancy, such as paying off and then closing credit card accounts.

We are now focusing on lightening your load. For me, this means addressing the paper load I’m carrying. I have paystubs from decades ago. I keep receipts and instruction manuals for items I no longer have. This paper has got to go.

But to be sure I keep what I truly need, I asked some professionals to provide advice on what documents should be retained.

Let’s start with tax records. Brent Neiser, a certified financial planner and a senior director at the National Endowment for Financial Education , offered these guidelines:

• Keep tax records up to seven years after the return is filed.

• If you fail to file in any year, or if the IRS has found you filed something fraudulent, you’d better save your records indefinitely.

• Keep business, real estate and investment purchase records until seven years after you’ve sold the asset and included the sale in a tax return.

• Keep your tax returns indefinitely. A return is “a window into you and your family’s economic history,” Neiser said.

Maintaining years of tax returns can help if you ever need to research payments made into social security, said Michael Eisenberg, a Los Angeles-based certified public accountant.

Save receipts for big-ticket items such as a TV or computer for insurance purposes. Hold on to each receipt as long as you own the item.

Don Grant, a CFP from Wichita, Kan., gave this advice regarding credit card statements: “It’s nice to see a monthly itemization, but most credit card companies will provide you with a year-end statement that has all expenses categorized. It you’re happy with that, shred (the monthly statements) at the end of the year.”

When it comes to home improvement documents, Kelley Long, a Chicago-based CPA and CFP, says hold on to them at least until you sell.

“If you sell your home for more than $250,000 ($500,000 for married people) more than you originally paid, you will have a taxable gain,” Long said. “You can add the cost of any improvements to the original amount you paid to reduce the amount of the gain.”

On medical bills, she says: “If you paid a medical expense with your health savings or flexible spending account, you need to keep the receipt for three years. Consider it a tax-related document.”

There are what Long referred to as “forever documents,” which you should keep in a safe location where they are protected from damage, loss and theft. Such documents, which may be hard or costly to replace, include:

• Birth certificates and adoption papers

• Marriage license and divorce documents

• Wills

• Death certificates

• Military records

• End-of-year paystubs

• Mortgage, student and car-loan pay-off statements. If you negotiated to pay less on a debt you owed, keep the document proving you paid off that loan.

The NEFE has a noncommercial financial education site where you can find more information about recordkeeping. Go to smartaboutmoney.org and search for “How Long Should You Keep Financial Documents.”

All the experts recommended scanning documents to reduce your paper load.

Michelle Singletary welcomes comments and column ideas. Reach her in care of The Washington Post, 1150 15th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20071; or singletarym@washpost.com.
