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Photo of Adam Littman

Stories by Adam Littman

Columbian Staff Writer

Seven residents have filed to run for Vancouver City Council Position 6: from left, top row, Adam Aguilera, Sarah Fox, Paul Montague and Diana Perez. Bottom row from left: Mike Pond, Dorel Singeorzan and Jeanne Stewart.

140 toss hats into ring for 92 Clark County offices

Seven residents have filed to run for Vancouver City Council Position 6: from left, top row, Adam Aguilera, Sarah Fox, Paul Montague and Diana Perez. Bottom row from left: Mike Pond, Dorel Singeorzan and Jeanne Stewart.

May 17, 2019, 10:20pm Clark County News

Clark County filing week wrapped up with a bang Friday evening, with a total of 140 candidates offering themselves up for 92 offices on the Aug. 6 primary ballot. Read story

Gary Medvigy has filed to run for the seat on the Clark County Council that he was appointed to in January.

Incumbents dominate early candidate filings in Clark County

Gary Medvigy has filed to run for the seat on the Clark County Council that he was appointed to in January.

May 13, 2019, 11:29am Clark County News

The first round of candidates for various local offices are officially running, as names started pouring in Monday morning to kick off filing week. Read story

94 seats to fill as filing week kicks off

May 13, 2019, 6:00am Clark County News

Today marks the start of filing week, officially kicking off the 2019 election season, which figures to be a busy one with 94 seats in local government up for election. Read story

Two Rivers Heritage Museum Accession Curator Gayle Godtilbsen with the hat worn on the sidelines by Camas physician Doc Harris. The museum is seeking other historical artifacts with local significance.

Two Rivers museum seeks artifacts with local significance

Two Rivers Heritage Museum Accession Curator Gayle Godtilbsen with the hat worn on the sidelines by Camas physician Doc Harris. The museum is seeking other historical artifacts with local significance.

May 12, 2019, 9:53pm Clark County News

The Two Rivers Heritage Museum is looking to add to its collection of historical artifacts and the stories that go with them. Read story

Camas city councilors have narrowed down their plans for building a new roundabout at Lake Road and Everett Road.

Camas closer to getting new roundabout

Camas city councilors have narrowed down their plans for building a new roundabout at Lake Road and Everett Road.

May 7, 2019, 8:37pm Clark County News

There has been a lot of interest in Camas surrounding plans to build a roundabout at the intersection of Northeast Lake Road and Northeast Everett Road, so much so that at Monday’s city council workshop, the room practically emptied once the council finished discussing the issue. Read story

3 school districts’ operations levies OK’d; Hockinson technology levy fails

May 3, 2019, 8:36pm Clark County News

Final election results certified Friday confirm that Hockinson, Ridgefield and Mount Pleasant voters all approved school levies on April 23. However, Hockinson’s accompanying technology levy fell just short of passage. Read story

Kara Seaman drives a tractor through her Woodland Bottoms property. Seaman and many of her neighbors are worried about recent discussions in Woodland to expand the city’s urban growth boundary, which could result in developers building hundreds of new homes in the rural bottoms.

Woodland Bottoms residents fear inclusion in urban growth boundary

Kara Seaman drives a tractor through her Woodland Bottoms property. Seaman and many of her neighbors are worried about recent discussions in Woodland to expand the city’s urban growth boundary, which could result in developers building hundreds of new homes in the rural bottoms.

May 3, 2019, 6:00am Clark County News

From Kim Everett’s home outside of Woodland, she can hear cars driving, trains passing and planes flying. Read story


Legislature budget boosts education


April 29, 2019, 10:03pm Clark County News

Budget-strapped school districts in Clark County on Monday said they’d need more time to suss out how the Legislature’s late-adopted operating budget will affect their finances. But one thing seems certain: There will be a lot more money available for education. Read story

A sign advocating for the passage of the Hockinson schools levies.

School levies gain support; Hockinson tech measure still failing

A sign advocating for the passage of the Hockinson schools levies.

April 24, 2019, 4:51pm Clark County News

Hockinson officials can take a breath after the second tally of results from Tuesday’s special election were released. Read story

A voter drops off their ballot in the drop box on West 14th Street.

Replacement levies passing in three small districts; Hockinson tech levy failing

A voter drops off their ballot in the drop box on West 14th Street.

April 23, 2019, 8:47pm Clark County News

Replacement levies at three Clark County small school districts were passing in Tuesday's special election, but a technology levy in Hockinson was failing. Read story