Wednesday,  February 12 , 2025

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Photo of Terry Otto

Stories by Terry Otto

Columbian freelance outdoors writer

Bob Pennell/The (Medford) Mail Tribune 
 Thousands of tiny winter steelhead are released Monday from an Oregon Fish and Wildlife truck for the start of their journey that begins in Carberry Creek above the Applegate Dam in Southern Oregon. 

Hatchery winter steelhead program set to end on Washougal River

Bob Pennell/The (Medford) Mail Tribune 
 Thousands of tiny winter steelhead are released Monday from an Oregon Fish and Wildlife truck for the start of their journey that begins in Carberry Creek above the Applegate Dam in Southern Oregon. 

November 16, 2024, 6:01am Editor's Choice

Anglers who like to fish for winter steelhead on the Washougal River may soon find the offerings depleted. Read story

Razor clams are tasty, and gathering them involves an outing on the beach. Each clammer must dig his own clams and keep them in a separate container.

Fall for some clam digging on Washington beaches

Razor clams are tasty, and gathering them involves an outing on the beach. Each clammer must dig his own clams and keep them in a separate container.

November 2, 2024, 6:07am Outdoors

November kicks off the third razor clam tide series of the season, after the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife announced that digging can resume starting on the first day of the month. Read story

Noble Ketola and his dog Ruby pose with his bag for the day.

Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge event gives kids a shot at duck hunting

Noble Ketola and his dog Ruby pose with his bag for the day.

October 26, 2024, 6:10am Clark County News

In the half-light of dawn three mallards came swinging in over the decoys. Read story

An elk infected with CWD displays the typical symptoms of the disease. While elk are susceptible to CWD, they rarely develop the high prevalence within their herds that deer do.

Chronic wasting disease detected in Washington deer

An elk infected with CWD displays the typical symptoms of the disease. While elk are susceptible to CWD, they rarely develop the high prevalence within their herds that deer do.

October 12, 2024, 5:45am Latest News

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer has arrived in Washington. The first positive test came from a deer in Spokane County, in Game Management Unit (GMU) 124. Read story

Anglers try their hand for coho and Chinook at the mouth of the White Salmon River. While the tributaries are heating up, anglers continue to take chinook and coho in the main stem Columbia River.

With large early runs of coho salmon, anglers hope for big late run, too

Anglers try their hand for coho and Chinook at the mouth of the White Salmon River. While the tributaries are heating up, anglers continue to take chinook and coho in the main stem Columbia River.

October 5, 2024, 6:13am Latest News

Coho returns to the Columbia River have been way above the projection, with the fish pushing into areas where they are rarely seen, and delighting anglers. Read story

Buzz Ramsey holds a Drano Lake bright Chinook he took recently, while fishing with guide Cody Luft. There are still Chinook biting in Drano Lake, but the fishing will slow some over the next couple weeks.

Extra days: Guides say Columbia River tributaries are spot for upriver Coho

Buzz Ramsey holds a Drano Lake bright Chinook he took recently, while fishing with guide Cody Luft. There are still Chinook biting in Drano Lake, but the fishing will slow some over the next couple weeks.

September 21, 2024, 6:05am Outdoors

Anglers targeting salmon in the mainstem Columbia River received some good news, as the states decided to continue to allow sportfishing through the end of September. Read story

Fishing guide Bob Rees holds a dandy coho taken in the estuary. Anglers can now keep one Chinook at Buoy 10 as part of a three-fish limit.

Extra days for fall salmon on lower Columbia River

Fishing guide Bob Rees holds a dandy coho taken in the estuary. Anglers can now keep one Chinook at Buoy 10 as part of a three-fish limit.

September 14, 2024, 6:15am Latest News

The states have agreed to allow an additional week of salmon fishing in the mainstem Columbia after salmon returns were better than expected. Read story

A limit of band-tail pigeons taken in the Cascades while hunting over a rock quarry. These birds are even more challenging to harvest then mourning doves.

Hunting September game birds is good warmup for waterfoul and upland seasons

A limit of band-tail pigeons taken in the Cascades while hunting over a rock quarry. These birds are even more challenging to harvest then mourning doves.

August 31, 2024, 6:11am Newsletter

Standing in the brush along an abandoned rock quarry, I scanned the blue, cloud-free September sky for flying birds. Read story

Fishing Guide Bill Monroe shows off a very nice Buoy 10 hatchery clipped fall Chinook. While the mark rate has been low in the mark-selective fishery, Monroe has found success with bait-filled plugs.

Buoy 10 brings challenges and rewards as season heats up

Fishing Guide Bill Monroe shows off a very nice Buoy 10 hatchery clipped fall Chinook. While the mark rate has been low in the mark-selective fishery, Monroe has found success with bait-filled plugs.

August 24, 2024, 5:45am Outdoors

The fishing at Buoy 10 has seen some challenges this year, with unseasonably cool temps and foul weather contributing to a slow bite. Read story

Brandon Powers nets a Buoy Ten Chinook last year for a client. Prospects are good for this year’s fishery, with over 550,00 Chinook expected back to the Columbia River.

Forecasts call for good fall Chinook returns at Buoy 10

Brandon Powers nets a Buoy Ten Chinook last year for a client. Prospects are good for this year’s fishery, with over 550,00 Chinook expected back to the Columbia River.

July 26, 2024, 6:08pm Outdoors

The largest and most exciting salmon fishery in the lower 48 states, the Buoy 10 fishery at the mouth of the Columbia River, will start August 1. Prospects for a good season are fair to high, with a forecast of over 500,000 adult fall Chinook expected to return to the… Read story