Clark County
NEIGHBORHOOD MAY DAY celebration, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. will be held at Family of Christ Lutheran Church, 3500 N.W. 129th St. There will be firetruck rides and face painting for the children, an indoor rummage sale, and food items, flower baskets and handmade outdoor items for sale. * 360-573-5031.
COUNTRY GOSPEL JUBILEE, 6:30 p.m. at the Holiness Association Campground, Northeast Covington Road at 107th Avenue in Vancouver. An offering will be taken. * 360-693-6609,
BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH, 12513 S.E. Mill Plain Blvd., will observe World Labyrinth Day at 1 p.m. The Labyrinth Society invites the world to “Walk as One at 1” in an attempt to create a wave of peaceful energy moving around the planet. *, 360-254-9243.
People connected to the construction business, from developers to decorators and their families, will be supported with prayer and encouragement at PRAY DAY ON MAY DAY, 7 to 8 a.m. at Starting Grounds Church and coffeehouse, 203 S. Parkway Ave., Battle Ground. Participants should wear their work clothes. Coffee and cinnamon rolls will be available. * Reservations,