The South Cliff Neighborhood Association continues prosecuting its ongoing war on ivy on Saturday morning. You can enlist to help.
English ivy is a non-native, invasive, noxious weed that smothers the landscape and vegetation. In recent years it took over Blandford Canyon, a greenspace border between the South Cliff and Dubois Park neighborhoods in central Vancouver. But volunteer efforts — including the annual No Ivy Day — have beaten it back.
“When we compare photos from past years’ work in Blandford Canyon (next to South Cliff Park), you can see the payoff. We just need to stay persistent in order to keep the ivy in check,” parks volunteer coordinator Teresa Fernandez said.
No Ivy Day is Saturday this year. South Cliff and parks and recreation have set their sights on South Cliff Park, at Umatilla Way and Oregon Drive. Volunteers are encouraged to show up at 9 a.m. with “a high spirit and tenacity to free a tree,” according to a press release from the city, and work until noon. A light breakfast, gloves and tools are provided.