Thirty-two states have emerged from Prohibition-era liquor laws by privatizing liquor sales. While the enforcement of liquor consumption laws has been strengthened and the states’ revenues have continued to benefit from liquor sales taxes, consumers have benefitted from competition in the private sector.
Washington, however, continues in the archaic system of a state monopoly. Voters have two chances on the Nov. 2 ballot to privatize liquor sales, and The Columbian recommends a “Yes” vote on both. Initiative 1100 would privatize liquor sales and allow retailers to sell liquor with wine and beer. Initiative 1105 would do the same, but would require the use of wholesalers. Our preference of the two is Initiative 1100 because eliminating a middleman at the wholesale level accentuates the power of an open market. But both I-1100 and I-1105 offer a vast improvement over the status quo.
Here’s how bad that status quo really is: Washington state (with the highest liquor taxes in the nation) mandates a 10 percent markup from distiller to wholesaler, and another 10 percent markup from wholesaler to retailer. The result is a socialistic scheme and bureaucratic briar patch. Yes, this brings in big bucks for the state, but it does so by protecting such absurdities as a bottle of wine costing $2 or $3 more here than in California.
Opponents of both initiatives focus on two overheated but bogus warnings. First, local governments supposedly will suffer severe cuts in money from the state. As usual, public safety and other vital community services are said to be at great risk. However, state Auditor Brian Sonntag estimates that privatizing liquor sales could increase state revenue by as much as $350 million over five years. Even the Office of Financial Management qualifies its own lost-revenue projections with: “Fiscal impact cannot be precisely estimated because the private market will determine spirits bottle cost and markup.” Also, the Washington Policy Center points to “new Business and Occupation taxes that are not paid under the current monopoly system.” And the official wording of I-1105 says the change will “generate at least the same annual revenue for the state and local jurisdictions … as well as an additional $100 million.”