In rebuttal to Cheryl Brantley’s April 26 letter, “Keep project on older routes,” BPA has added routes 9 and 25, as they are required to do, per National Environmental Policy Act, on any existing easements they have. This does not mean it is the best route to choose for the 500kv line.
What Brantley failed to mention is that these existing easements have already been expanded on. There are 150kv lines and now 235kv lines next to them. There is no more room for these monster 500kv, 150-foot towers without taking many homes, disrupting thousands of people, their businesses, but more important, our children, by exposing them to electromagnetic fields. Other states have adopted 350-feet setbacks from these lines because electromagnetic fields are a potential danger. To me, it appears Brantley is less concerned with human impact, and more concerned with her land.
Patricia Black