I have little faith the so-called “supercommittee” will solve any of the problems caused by overspending by Congress. To start, they have created these problems, yet I have not read about any plan to cut spending, slow foreign aid, or any hint that Congress accepts any responsibility for the problem.
When addressing Social Security reform, I would support removing the FICA funds from the general fund so it cannot be spent for other programs. Also Congress should stop payments to those who did not pay into the FICA (immigrants).
More suggestions: stop earmarks, end foreign aid, end all tax breaks — both parties claim to be against them. (I find it a bit odd that I can get a $3,500 tax credit for buying a Nissan Leaf.)
To help the economy, with 50 million people on Social Security, giving them a $10/month raise would put $500 million into the system. And perhaps the government could purchase more U.S.-made products. At a national park last year, all the trinkets for sale were foreign made.