As 2011 comes to a close, I offer my wish list to the people of Vancouver for 2012. Please be patient, as you know that no one can guarantee any promise I make here:
- End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now. Bring all of our troops home.
- Replace the entire Obama administration with a new national government that is willing and able to lead this country back to one that we can all be proud of. God Bless America.
- Give back the country to the 99 percent of the people and their families who live, work, pay taxes, vote, serve in and respect the U.S.A.
- Bring back the jobs and economy lost overseas. Make “Made in the USA” mean something again.
- Time for the citizens of Vancouver to wake up. Instead of following weak, politically corrupt, crony-riddled state and local governments, we need to elect officials who care about all the people they serve.
- Bring jobs and business here to Clark County that put people back to work, fix the economy, and provide basic needs for all our families.
- One last thing, make The Columbian a better newspaper. Much need for improvement here.
Finally, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2012.
Rolf Knapp, Vancouver