SANTA BARBARA, calif. (AP) — Sarah Palin says America is dangerously out of step with the values of Ronald Reagan and on the “road to ruin.”
Palin issued a sweeping indictment of Washington at a banquet celebrating the centennial of Reagan’s birth, warning that a new era of big government was menacing the country.
The former Alaska governor derided the stimulus spending, soaring national debt and the nation’s foreclosure rate. She called it “staggering.”
Palin says the nation is using the same old tax-and-spend policies and called for a return to the limited government and tax cuts promoted by Reagan.
Palin delivered her remarks Friday at a dinner in Santa Barbara, Calif., sponsored by the conservative Young America’s Foundation. The dinner, held under tight security, was part of a string of events marking the centennial of Reagan’s birth on Feb. 6.