Clark County
Tsugawa Nursery: 410 E. Scott Ave., Woodland. * 360-225-8750 or Free one- to two-hour seminars and events. No registration required unless noted. n Early Spring Vegetables: 11 a.m. March 5. Learn about planting and growing early spring vegetables. What’s good to grow and good to eat. Free. n Aesthetic Tree Pruning – Part 1: 1 p.m. March 5. Niwaki artist, Dave Dewire, will be demonstrating and explaining his initial sculpting techniques on dormant deciduous tree forms. $15. Registration required. * or 360-225-8750. n Aesthetic Tree Pruning – Part 2: 1 p.m. March 6. Initial sculpting on pine, hemlock and more will be presented along with plans for their future designs. $15. Registration required. * or 360-225-8750.
Knowing Your Garden Soil, the Important Elements: 7 p.m. March 1 at CASEE, 11104 N.E. 149th St., room 202/205, Brush Prairie. Presented by Master Gardener Gudrun Mahrt of Columbia River Carbonates. * 360-882-5133.
Fort Vancouver Rose Society: 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 26 at Yard N Garden Land, 1501 N.E. 102nd St., Vancouver. Demonstration on pruning roses and fertilization followed by a question-and-answer session. Free. * info@
Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Business Planning: 6 to 9 p.m., March 8 through May 10 at CASSEE, 11104 N.E. 149th St., room 202/205, Brush Prairie. This course will help new and existing farmers gain skills in business planning and direct marketing. Special emphasis on the financial and legal issues unique to farm-based businesses. $75 per farm or family. Class size is limited and registration deadline is March 1. * 360-397-6060 ext. 7720.