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News / Northwest

WA dog survives 150-foot cliff fall, is rescued

The Columbian
Published: July 11, 2011, 12:00am

HOODSPORT, Wash. (AP) — A Bernese Mountain dog that raced off after a mountain goat in Washington’s Olympic Mountains and fell 150 feet down a cliff survived for nearly three days until a volunteer mountain rescue team managed to find her.

Gwen Hall of Olympia tells KIRO-TV her 5-year-old dog Sasha suffered only an injured paw and a broken tooth.

Sasha took off last Wednesday after climbing with her owners, Hall and Jim Krieger, to the summit of 5,944-foot Mount Ellinor.

They got in touch with Olympic Mountain Rescue and six volunteers offered to help. It took them five hours Friday to find Sasha — motionless on a narrow shelf on the side of a cliff. The team brought the dog to safety using ropes and a litter.

Hall and Krieger were there when the volunteers carted Sasha off the mountain. Hall calls Sasha “just an amazing dog” and says she’s thankful to everyone who helped save her.


Information from: KIRO-TV, htt
