Washington voters spoke, well, robustly to say the least, last fall when they rejected two initiatives that would have privatized state liquor sales. Initiative 1100 (written by retailers), was opposed by 53.4 percent of voters statewide (55.8 percent in Clark County). And Initiative 1105 (the wholesalers’ proposal) was buried by 65.0 percent of voters (60.0 percent in Clark County). Both measures were endorsed by The Columbian, and the outcomes prove what we’ve said all along, that endorsements are merely opinions, nothing more, and certainly not predictions.
Still, the issue won’t go away, and we’ll speculate about a couple of reasons. First, with 32 other states privatizing liquor sales, Washington’s minority status cannot be ignored. (Then again, only two states ban self-serve gas pumps, but that doesn’t seem to bother Oregonians.) Second, retailers cannot be expected to give up their battle to increase profits, especially during this economic crisis. One private-sector effort to focus attention on this issue is brewing this year, and we’ll address that later in the editorial. But first, we’ll point to some improvements proposed by the state’s Liquor Control Board, despite the voters’ endorsement of the status quo back on Nov. 2.
The Olympian newspaper last week reported that the Liquor Control Board wants to “open two high-volume specialty stores in urban areas” and “co-locate up to five liquor stores inside existing retail outlets” much like coffee shops or branch banks that operate inside grocery stores. The newspaper also reported that the board wants “to standardize store hours across the state, closing at 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and at 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday,” as well as “start a gift-card program and allow web-based ordering for pickup at stores.”
It’s encouraging that the thunderous double-No voiced by voters has not obliterated the opportunity to improve the state’s system of liquor distribution and sales.