Vancouver School of Arts and Academics student Natalie Hovee takes the stage in “Snow White,” the reimagined story by Northwest Children’s Theater and School. In this anime-inspired adaptation, a young princess is threatened by a jealous queen, and a dark magic is cast to reclaim the title “fairest of all.” But Snow White is one royal-in-training who won’t give up without a fight. For ages 6 and older. The show runs through May 29.
When: 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. today, and 2 p.m. Sunday.
Where: Northwest Neighborhood Cultural Center, 1819 N.W. Everett St., Portland.
Admission: $18-$22; $13-$18 for children 14 and younger.
Telephone: 503-222-4480.
On the Web:
“Snow White” is one of several events taking place this weekend. Others include a night of comedy and a cup of tea.
1. Classic, colorful production
Mountain View High School brings to life “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” the musical biblical saga of Joseph and his coat. Joseph has a talent for interpreting dreams and telling the future. This gets him into trouble when he predicts his future will include ruling over his brothers. However, it saves his life in Egypt when he correctly interprets Pharaoh’s dreams.
When: 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and May 20-21; and 1 p.m. Saturday.