I’m ashamed of the way Initiative 1183 has been addressed by both those who stand for it and those who stand against it. Both sides publicly advocate strings of information that without proper research can end up misleading voters. Issues that affect the entirety of the state should have some level of proper information available to the public.
Instead of drumming up emotion, there should be a focus on facts. Simply telling voters to head to the liquor control board website to check on their data — which is readily available I might add — would be a start. Informing voters to read the audit reports as presented on the state auditor’s website would be beneficial as well. Just letting us (the voters) know who will be paying what to whom and when, or what tax hike will be occurring, would be heavily appreciated.
Plain and simple information and where to find it — that’s all I’m after.
If there could just be some more common language between those in legislation and the voting populace, I think we’d all sleep a little better at night.