No positive change can happen until money is removed from our politics. The top 1 percent of our population provides the salaries for the lobbyists. The lobbyists write the bills and dictate to our Congress what to pass or fail. The 1 percent also provides most of the campaign dollars that elects and/or defeats our elected representatives. The 1 percent rules for only their benefit and not for the benefit of all Americans.
History teaches us that if we do not fix what is broken, our economy and democratic republic will fail. Money from the one percent needs to be removed first from our politics before positive changes can occur for all Americans. Other democracies have figured out how to stop the influence of money in their politics, so why not follow their examples? The top 1 percent who rules us will never allow a bill to pass that would remove the money from our politics because that would kill their power to rule and control us.
The enemy is not Congress.
We all should think of these things as we continue the race to becoming the world’s richest Third World nation.
Tom Toussaint