If anyone is still puzzled by the Occupy movement, the juxtaposition of two stories on the Nov. 4 front page of The Columbian put the social insanity being protested by that movement into stark relief. The headlines of the two stories were “School buses in path of budget ax,” and “Study: Many big firms paid no taxes.”
It is insane that we are contemplating school bus cuts when profitable corporations pay zero, or less, income tax.
The apologists for the corporations state that it was all legal; yes, because they contribute to the campaigns of the legislators who made it so. This is no longer a political issue between Republicans and Democrats (except to the degree that each is controlled by corporate interests); it is between national and transnational corporate boardroom tables and kitchen tables.
The solution for the 99 percent is to find out what worked from 1935 to 1970 that resulted in the strongest middle class in history, stop believing anything in the corporate-controlled media without fact checking it first, and elect representatives willing to rewrite the rules to what worked before and hold them accountable.