Sudhakar Kudva and Sang Park — both engineers, fathers, and immigrants — met in 2007, when their mutual passion for strong math education attracted them to a meeting to discuss new statewide math standards in public schools.
That chance meeting would lead, four years later, to their launch of an after-school education program they call EinsteinWise. The Vancouver-based “brain training center” melds the ancient game of chess and the modern technology of the computer tablet into a K-6 program that encompasses math, Mandarin Chinese, Lego robotics, and even yoga. Kudva , 56, and Park, 52, are in late stages of testing their math software and hope over time to expand to reading and other basic study areas. Longer term, their dream is that their work will be incorporated into public school curriculums.
They’ve struggled to promote their business’s first location, tucked in a shopping mall just off 192nd Avenue, resorting to placing fliers on doors in nearby neighborhoods and ads in family magazines. But the two men, highly accomplished in their professional fields, say they want to help raise American technical education standards to match those of rising Asian nations. Drawing on their business backgrounds, they see improved education in math and the sciences as critical to America’s economic competitiveness.
“The way I see education, there needs to be a lot of basics built up early — vocabulary, writing, grammar, multiplication, math skills,” Kudva said during an interview with both men at the spacious EinsteinWise school, as a group of children played chess nearby.