Nearly three years into the Obama presidency, the official unemployment rate remains at 9.1 percent, but it would be 11.4 percent if the same number of jobs were available now as when Obama took office. Perhaps Obama is grateful that those jobs seem to be gone forever, to keep the dismal unemployment statistics from looking even worse. Real unemployment is greater than 20 percent, as defined classically — as was defined in the Depression. But even by today’s generous calculations, unemployment stands at 16.9 percent for blacks. In light of this, Obama’s “spreading the wealth” (i.e. Socialism/Marxism) should be known as Obama’s “destroying the wealth” for everyone, but even more so for minorities.
I pray that all of us wake up and understand what this president has done and is doing to all of us, and especially to minorities. All of us desperately need what the free enterprise system and equal treatment under our constitutional law for every citizen can provide — real prosperity, and the opportunity for everyone who wants to apply themselves to have the opportunity to succeed.
Ricky Lee Jackson
Battle Ground