Unions are out of whack
The Longshore union is suing law enforcement for “using brutal tactics.”
Really? Is the ILWU so obtuse that they don’t realize they have reached the very heights of hypocrisy? Their strong-armed thuggery at the Port of Longview over the past months amounts to “brutal tactics” in my book.
I was in Alabama when the news reported about the Tacoma teachers strike. I was embarrassing to overhear a businessman at the next table say, “no wonder Washington schools are going downhill so fast.”
With so many Americans out of work and the economy tanking, it makes me mad to watch the self-entitled unions thumping their chests and howling “Me first” while doing damage to viable workplaces. The unions were originally created to protect workers from corrupt businesses. Who is going to protect valid and fair businesses from corrupt unions?
Tracy Sand