Land being decimated by clear-cutting
I had never been to the Northwest until I moved here 12 years ago. I knew it rained but I also knew it to be a very beautiful place and assumed we would buy a house on a decent-sized lot, with decent-sized trees, and that our windows would be a decent distance from our neighbor’s windows. What a naive assumption.
It was not only surprising, but very disappointing to discover that homes are typically built very close together in subdivisions which more often than not, used to be forested lands that are completely clear cut. I was dumbstruck by this and thought, how can this be allowed? I’ve seen many subdivisions constructed in this manner over the last 12 years and each time it happens I continue to feel a pang of sadness and frustration at this irresponsible development.
A few years ago before the downturn of the economy, “Hidden Leaf” subdivision on McIntosh Road began. It was touted as a “green” development. The forested area was clear cut so that all the leaves were literally “hidden” and it sat like that for a few years. Presently, they have clear cut the far end of the subdivision and are now adding, or should I say cramming, seven more homes into the neighborhood.
I have to say the development that is really upsetting me lately is the Summit at Columbia Vista across from Klickitat Street. The first phase is nearly complete and, once again it sits on what once was forested land that was completely clear cut. The second phase flows into Thomas Estates and that forested land has been decimated. The next time you’re near this development take a good look at what’s left and note the reaction it stirs up in you. Every time I catch a glimpse of that devastation I ask, why?