Here it is, plain and simple. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is a fervent believer in killing social insurance by privatizing it for profit. To that end, his budget proposal ends Medicare. It ends it. Period. There is no “choice” involved. It ends Medicare and shifts the burden for medical costs onto senior citizens. Similarly, his scheme for Social Security ends it. Period. It takes our retirement funds and gives them to Wall Street, where all the risk then shifts over to the retiree and all the profit heads into Wall Street’s pocket.
Wall Street and health insurers benefit from Ryan’s plan, but people don’t. They can paint his plan with all kinds of different shades of lipstick but everyone needs to know that Ryan aims to destroy the social safety nets by shifting all costs and risks from the government to individuals, terminating the agreement that has worked so well for so many years, and handing our retirement to profit-driven enterprise. The same goes for every Republican in Congress who voted for the Ryan budget resolution.
Spread the word.
Thomas Austin