I am fortunate to get personal emails from President and Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Joe Biden, etc. These emails contain the “Truth Team” logo. The latest sent by John Kerry indicates that inquiring about President Obama’s record is an attack. Now I know that responding to these emails is pointless. I also know that Kerry did not write it. If I could respond it would be this:
“John — What is Obama’s record? It appears he lied and was a member of the New Party. It appears he lied about his association with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. I know he stonewalled producing a birth certificate for years. I personally saw an article in the Huffington Post about his job number calculations change and then disappear before my eyes.”
Kerry goes on to say that these attacks remind him of the notorious “Swift Boat” attacks he faced in the 2004 campaign. He says “I honor and appreciate the service of my fellow veterans.” Now come on, Truth Team, I was one of the recipients of that honor he bestowed on service men in the early 70s. All that spit, jeers, cold shoulders and hatred was overwhelming.
–Rob Drew, Vancouver