Gather around dear boys and girls as Santa/Clark County government is being very generous. But under Washington state RCW that governs sidewalk construction funds, it states that counties don’t put these in, only city councils. You want to talk about abiding by what government can and can’t do? Visit the county’s own website.
Since 2007, more than $5.9 million has been spent building 53,000 feet of sidewalks. So go to the above site and make your request to see if Santa will fill that request. It appears they have money in a time of budget crunch. One example off their list is Northwest 43rd Avenue and McCann Road, where they plan on putting in sidewalks for just two west lots and not all the way west down McCann. they will also not connect with existing sidewalks to the east or the other side of the street.
In the past, we were always advised the county’s only concern was for kids walking to and from schools, and when development happens is when one should request paths for the kids. It is your responsibility to put in sidewalks on your property not for Santa to do so.
Lynn Carman