To borrow from an essayist, when the modern liberal wrestles with his conscience, he always wins. The villain who executes kindergartners seems always lucid enough to take advantage of an environment made effectively hospitable where the good guys are defenseless. That’s why he doesn’t shoot up the cop station.
Then there is the scripted response to the tragedy: values-neutral bewilderment followed eventually by excusing the murderer yet always with a practiced eye toward further disarming people on site that might make a real-time difference. In a moment of rare candor, a liberal said to waste no crisis for political expediency. He jumped over what world view is responsible in the first instance.
So what’s producing this type of killer? The atheist has no answer. People who sign off on the demise of 50 million aborted babies with heavy-lidded eyes and a slow nod are the least qualified to make a moral judgment. If the killer ever wondered why he should or shouldn’t murder, he could make the case that he, being his own absolute authority to commit the deed, is entirely as valid as theirs is not to do so. That’s the tangle the anti-Christian can’t solve.
Mike Goodpaster