Loaves & Fishes and AniMeals together perform a useful service. Their clients benefit from the combined services and from a cost-benefit perspective, this is far more efficient than having two distribution centers and two delivery services. The Feb. 7 Columbian story “Meals on Wheels’ pet peeve? Mice lured by animal charity’s food” indicated that inspectors determined the mice were being attracted by the animal food. I had no idea that mice were so discriminating between human food and pet food. I find this to be far too simple an assessment.
Rodent control is not rocket science. Control is achieved by understanding the habits of the rodents, setting appropriate bait traps in the areas where mice will find them before they stray off looking for bags or boxes to chew up. The best solution is to hire a contractor. Pest control is not an expensive solution.
Loaves & Fishes, AniMeals, food banks and other facilities all have a need for rodent control. They can save money by combining their buying power for control services. Mice and other pests are an ongoing problem for all food establishments. Focus should be on dealing with the pests, not on squabbling over whose food is the main attraction.
Mark Swenson